Furnace Articles

How Does a Gas Furnace Work?

January 21, 2025
The use of gas as heating at home in winter, the cold season. The concept, the model of the house stands near the flame of a gas boiler.

On a frosty winter’s day here in Utah, your gas furnace is hard at work, keeping your Hurricane home warm and cozy. Our team could help you save.

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Why Won’t My Furnace Stop Running?

December 20, 2024
Why Won’t My Furnace Stop Running?

Is your furnace blowing air without pause? If so, you’re probably feeling a bit concerned—and your Hurricane house most likely feels like an oven. On top of that, your utility bill will be considerably higher with your furnace constantly running.

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Why Isn’t My Furnace Heating My Entire Home?

November 22, 2024
Why Isn’t My Furnace Heating My Entire Home?

If your furnace seems to be producing heat inconsistently around your St. George home to you, you’re not alone. Many homes have varied conditions from room to room, causing spotty heating or cooling. On cold days, this can be a nuisance. You may be confined to only a few rooms in your home, or you…

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What’s That Smell Coming From My Furnace?

October 11, 2024
Homeowner talking to Air Care Professionals about a horrible smell coming from his furnace.

If your furnace is producing a strange smell, you should always treat it with caution. While the cause for the odor may be benign, it could just as easily be harmful to inhale. When in doubt, always open windows to ensure ventilation, and evacuate your Hurricane home.

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